Environmental, Health, and Safety Controls

We are the guardians of the environment, our health, and safety and are responsible to help ensure our culture is reality in every work place and at home.

Illustration graphic of a workers discussing safety controls


Our aim is to ensure that our thinking and actions align with our belief that all injuries and EHS incidents are preventable. We recognize the extreme diligence, care, and investment required to ensure that our work environments are free from safety hazards that may cause injury or damage to property. We test and monitor safety and health systems at frequencies required for integrity. We promote and support wellness for our employees.


We concentrate our focus on leading indicators that identify trends to help prevent potential negative consequences. We make changes to existing or planned execution strategies accordingly. These are identified through information obtained from our field JSAs, audits, and work-place observation. We respond with specialized focus bulletins, training, and crew huddles to drive increased awareness to neutralize any heightened risk issues.  

  • Stop Work Authority
  • Fatigue Policy


Each individual must be skilled and equipped for their craft or core competency, possess the knowledge required to recognize hazards, able to navigate safely to and from their work location, perform their work activity without personal injury, and protection of others that may be impacted by their actions.

  • Pre-job Site
  • Fit-For-Duty
  • Hazard Communication (SDS)
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Job Safety Analysis (JSA)


Our primary objective is to ensure that all systems are clear prior to opening and all field connections are performed per specification and tested prior to systems being released to operations. 

  • Vapor Release
  • Spill Prevention
  • Secondary Containment
  • Recycling
  • Waste Disposal


  • IS Networld
  • Key Performance Indicators (Lagging)
    • Near Miss
    • Experience Modifier Rate (EMR)
    • Recordable Incident Rate (TRI)

Wellness Program

  • Raise Awareness
  • Health Assessment
  • Biometric Health Screening
  • Provide Recommendations and Guidance